Can Ethiopia Achieve Peace?


The Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front have recently agreed to a permanent ceasefire, ending hostilities that have left hundreds of thousands dead. The ceasefire agreement took place in Pretoria, South Africa, hosted by members of the African Union. The agreement calls for the Ethiopian federal government to assume control over roadways and airports throughout the region and restore funding, aid and relief to those affected by the civil war in the Tigray region.

Experts interviewed: Goitum Gebreluel, Kjetil Tronvoll, & Roselyne Omondi

John Simms

John Simms is a multi-talented Digital Media Producer with a combined 9+ years of experience. He is well-versed in the creation of a wide range of media content including photography, journalistic writing, short films, documentaries, music videos, marketing videos, fundraising videos, and video scripts.