What will happen to Afghan refugees in Pakistan?


Due to decades of war in Afghanistan, Pakistan has become home to more than four million Afghan refugees. Many of them have come to see Pakistan as home, and may face threats or persecution by the Taliban regime if they return to Afghanistan. Pakistan has experienced significant economic and political turmoil in recent years, and Afghans have been demonized and scapegoated by the government and the media in response. Recently, military government announced a drive to deport millions of Afghan refugees, regardless of whether they are in the country legally or illegally. Peace News Network spoke to experts on the subject to better understand the challenges these refugees face in Pakistan and the need to find a peaceful resolution that protects the rights of refugees.

Peace News Staff
Marta Morais

Marta is a video producer from Lisbon, Portugal, currently based in the UK. She holds a BA(Hons) in Digital Film Production from the University of Suffolk. Marta's work portfolio covers a range of topics, from women's empowerment stories to future technologies, focusing on documentary filmmaking. Marta's contributions to Peace News Network align with her dedication to sharing stories that promote peace and understanding globally.


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