Sylvia Brown

Sylvia Brown is a Conflict Advisor and International Development specialist with twenty years experience advising international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), local civil society organisations, UK government and UN agencies. She has a special interest in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (Triple) Nexus, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding. She is experienced in political economy analysis, conflict analysis and gendered conflict analysis, using primary data collection (including in hard to access areas) as well as secondary data analysis (from academic and 'grey' literature. She has experience applying these skills in Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, Kenya, Indonesia and the Philippines. She has a special interest in women and youth in peacebuilding, community-based peacebuilding, local and customary governance and forced migration issues. She is also experienced in organisational development of civil society organisations and am familiar working in conflict-sensitive environments among refugees, multiple power-holders, political upheaval and international humanitarian interventions.