Teaching Peace: Nurturing Young Peacemakers in Ghana through Education

Students of St Paul's Catholic Basic School been taught a peace education lesson, photo by CPRC.

In a region where ethnic and religious diversity sometimes fuels tension, Ghana stands out as one of West Africa’s most peaceful nations. This reputation, however, cannot be taken for granted. 

In September 2024, Ghana experienced incidents of violence over upcoming elections. Other countries in the region such as Mali and Guinea have dealt with ethnic and religious violence in recent decades, including violence committed by youth. 

But efforts are being made to sustain harmony, particularly through peace education in schools. Peace education and sensitization programs aim to empower students as peace ambassadors. Schools across the Ashanti and Central Regions of Ghana are teaching peace education, where students learn conflict resolution skills, social justice principles, and the value of peaceful coexistence. 

Students of Aggrey Memorial Senior High School being taught a peace education lesson, photo by CRPC.

“Ghana is a diverse country with different tribes and religions. Despite this, we have remained peaceful,” said Dr. Charles Ohene-Amoh, the Regional Executive Secretary of the Central Regional Peace Council (CRPC) of Ghana’s National Peace Council (NPC).  “To sustain this, we must instill the culture of peace in our young people,” he told Peace News Network (PNN). 

Promoting Peaceful Coexistence in Diversity

In January 2025, the CRPC collaborated with St Paul’s Catholic Basic School to educate students on peacebuilding, which is crucial for the country’s future stability.

The initiative was a peace education sensitization program themed “Peaceful Coexistence in Diversity.” The program focused on: strengthening students’ understanding of peaceful coexistence, reducing classroom conflicts and bullying, promoting peer mediation, and conflict resolution. Dr. Ohene-Amoh emphasized the need for peace education in schools. 

“We believe that one of the most effective ways to prevent conflicts is to educate the youth on how to live in harmony… Schools provide the perfect setting because students are already gathered in large numbers, making it easy to reach them,” he said.

Students of St Paul’s Catholic Basic School being taught a peace education lesson, photo by CRPC.

He highlighted that schools reflect the country’s diversity, with students from various ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds. The program teaches them to embrace differences rather than allow them to become sources of conflict.

“When we visit schools, we see Muslims, Christians, and traditionalists learning together. We teach them to appreciate their diversity and to coexist peacefully. The results have been encouraging.”

The initiative has already shown positive outcomes. When the CRPC revisits schools where the program has been implemented, they observe noticeable improvements in student interactions. “We see fewer conflicts among students. They have become more tolerant and better at resolving disagreements peacefully,” Dr. Ohene-Amoh added.

Peace Education as a Tool for Conflict Prevention

Beyond promoting peaceful coexistence, the program also prepares students for the future. Many of them may later join law enforcement agencies or other security sectors, where their conduct will be scrutinized.

“We made them understand that their behavior in school could affect their future careers. Many didn’t realize that background checks are conducted before recruitment into security services,” Dr. Oene-Amoh said.

He said that additionally, the program introduced peace classes in schools where students voluntarily learn about conflict resolution and earn certificates for their participation. While attendance is not mandatory, students who participate are encouraged with certificates. This motivates them, Dr. Ohene-Amoh explained, to take peacebuilding seriously and apply these lessons in their communities.

Students of St Paul’s Catholic Basic School being taught a peace education lesson, photo by CRPC.

The Ghanaian government has also contributed to maintaining peace in schools by banning demonstrations within educational institutions. This has significantly reduced violence on school premises. “Since the ban, we have not recorded any violent attacks in schools. Combined with peace education, this has created a safer learning environment,” Dr. Ahone-Amoh said.

Youth and Political Manipulation

One major concern in many African nations is the role of youth in political violence. Politicians often exploit young people’s energy and passion, leading them into conflicts. However, with proper peace education, students are less likely to be used as tools for political violence.

“With peace education, the youth will understand the dangers of being manipulated for political purposes. They will think critically before engaging in violent acts,” Dr. Ohene-Amoh stated.

The Challenge of Funding

Despite the program’s success, funding remains a significant challenge. The CRPC struggles to reach all 23 districts in the region due to financial constraints. “We write to organizations for support because our resources are limited. Without adequate funding, it is difficult to reach every student who needs this education,” he said.

“Train a Child, and They Will Not Depart from It”

Barbara Yabom, the CRPC’s Program Manager, described Ghana as one of Africa’s most peaceful countries, largely due to its emphasis on peace education. She cited a biblical proverb, “When you train a child in the right way, they will not depart from it when they grow.”

She emphasized that many young people who engage in violent behavior come from backgrounds where conflict resolution skills were not taught. She said that by training them in peacebuilding early, “we hope to create a generation that values harmony.”

To Yabom, peace education should be a continuous process to instill the values of forgiveness and tolerance. “We have received delegations from countries like Malawi and Ivory Coast who come to learn how Ghana maintains its peace. Peace education is part of our success story.”

She stressed that peace education should not only focus on adults, and noted that it is unfortunate that some people think it should. Yabom added that children are future leaders, and that teaching them these skills now will help them grow up to be responsible citizens who resolve conflicts peacefully.

Calls for Peace Education in the Curriculum

Sam, a senior high school tutor from Aggrey Memorial A.M.E Zion Senior High School Mr Appiah whose school participated in the peace education program, advocated for peace education to be included in the national curriculum, saying that it would help address the “culture of impunity” among students, and reduce their exposure to violent influences from social media.

He noted that many students are unaware of the laws governing juvenile violence. “Some think they can act violently without consequences because they are young. But with education, they will understand that even in school, they must obey the law.”

Students of Aggrey Memorial A.M.E Zion Senior High School during a peace education talk, photo by CRPC.

Appiah believes peace education in schools plays a vital role in shaping students’ moral values. “If we sustain this effort, we will raise a generation of young people who value peace. ”

While challenges such as funding issues persist, the impact of peace education in Ghanaian schools is evident. By instilling values of tolerance, respect, and conflict resolution in students, Ghana is not only securing its present peace, but also building a future where harmony prevails.

As Dr. Ohene-Amoh aptly put it: “Peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and tolerance.”

Keywords: education, peace education, peace, Ghana, peacebuilding, conflict, conflict resolution, youth, Africa, West Africa

Mohammed Ibrahim

Mohammed is a multimedia  freelance journalist in Kaduna State, Nigeria. He graduated from the International Institute of Journalism Abuja. In 2016 Mohammed received the Courage in Journalism Award for his investigative reporting, from the Africa Media Development Foundation.


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