Syrian Refugee Response: Silver Linings


The conflict in Syria has now claimed over more than 250,000 lives, and over 4.2 million refugees having fled abroad, according to the UN. A further 7.6 million Syrians have been uprooted within their homeland. Backlash has emerged against nations offering to accept refugees since the November Paris bombings, with many parties citing security concerns and terrorism fears. But this hasn’t stopped communities around the world from speaking out in favor of welcoming refugees and warning against Muslim stereotypes. Social media channels tell a positive story, with International Migrants Day sparking messages of support. Twitter site #iamamigrant has proved popular, and heart-warming stories about reunited families have gone viral. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, has warned that global support is more necessary now than ever before. “Never has there been a greater need for tolerance, compassion and solidarity with people who have lost everything,” he said in a recent report. In this video, we interview the founder and executive director of the Syrian Community Network, Suzanne Akhras, to give us further insight into the situation.


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